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Legislative Update - April 13, 2018 Dear Neighbors,
Now that the Legislature is back from its Easter/Passover break, we'll be tackling several complex issues in the weeks prior to adjournment. Some of them include tax conformity, bonding, and addressing the elder care crisis in our state. Here are some updates from St. Paul:
Tax Conformity
Due to the federal tax bill being passed last year, Minnesota must now decide how much it will conform its state tax code with the federal code.
Full conformity would result in hundreds of millions of dollars in tax increases for Minnesota families in 2018. However, if we do nothing, filing 2018 taxes will become far more complex and costly for filers and the state. I'm committed to making responsible changes that bring more fairness to our tax code instead of sending huge cuts to corporations and the wealthy.
Elder Care
On Monday, Gov. Dayton sent a letter to legislative leaders calling for action on a range of issues, including protecting Minnesota's elderly and vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect. I'll be working to pass legislation that accomplishes these goals and I urge the majority in the House to make our seniors a priority before the end of session.
Regional Parks Funding
I am signing on to
HF 3187, which would provide money for regional parks and open-space land improvements. In Dakota County, our Whitetail Woods and Lake Byllesby are both on the list to be positively impacted by this legislation, which would leverage $51 million in investments.
Autism Awareness Day
On April 2, the lights on the Eagan Tower were blue in recognition of
Autism Awareness Day. This is a result of the persistence of Emily, a high school student in our district. She even organized a celebration to watch the lights turn on, including blue cupcakes she baked, blueberries, and glow necklaces.
We are so fortunate to have such a talented, involved, and dedicated young woman in our community. Autism impacts so many people and we need to address it on a much larger level than we are doing currently. The earlier it is addressed the better the outcome.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or
Sandra Masin
State Representative