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PRECINCT CAUCUSES - FEBRUARY 6 The first step in the Election process in Minnesota is the PRECINCT CAUCUS. It will be held throughout Minnesota on Tuesday February 6, 2018. Registration begins at 6:30pm, and the Caucus convenes at 7:00pm.
In the Caucus you and your DFL neighbors meet to discuss issues that are important to you all. These discussions are part of the process of shaping the DFL party to represent us.
You also elect leaders in the party, from your precinct chair and delegates to go the Senate District convention (in March), discuss the platform of the party and propose resolutions which you feel are important for the party to support and promote. In MN we also vote for the person we'd like to be governor through a preference ballot, it is not the official vote, just a vote to indicate a preference. See several resources listed below to learn more.
this link to find your Precinct Location. Â Â To use the Precinct Finder, see below:
Here are more resources for you to learn about the Precinct Caucus:
• The MN Secretary of State prepared information to explain the Precinct Caucus process.
Click here!
• This a 5:35 minutes
video How to Caucus
How to write Resolutions - 5:29 minutes
The DFL Platform is
right here
• The
form to use to submit
a resolution
• If you cannot attend the March Senate District 51 Convention, but you still want to be a delegate? No problem! ​Fill out
the non-attendee participation form and send it to!