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Thank you for a GREAT Burnsville Fire Muster 2016
What a fantastic day to have a parade! The weather cpuld not be better. The paraders had an easy time and spectators were in high spirit and encouraged and cheered everyone - they made it so much fun to walk in the parade.
So many thank yous go to all the fopks in my parade unit. And the many volunteers who worked for many-many weeks to organize this perfect event - thank you! The manyvolunteers involved in my parade unit organization - thank you.
The Fire Muster in Burnsville is a multi-day event continuing through Sunday. It has been run now for 38 years - WOW! There are booths, carnival, music, and many more items.
The Boy Scouts were great support coming around to tell us they'll bring food.
Again - many many thanks to all the volunteers who put in time, energy and enthusiasm - the results show your dedication and spirit!
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