Sandra Masin: Representative Minnesota House District 52A
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This article was originally posted on 04-04-2011
Secretary of State announcing Opening in State Government Agencies

April 4, 2011

You may be interested in one of the following openings in Minnesota State Agencies. This notice comes from the Secretary of State. See the notice for information on subscription.


April 2011 Open Appointments Press Release Posted

For Release: April 4, 2011


Notice of Vacancies in Multi-Member Agencies

SAINT PAUL - The Secretary of State's Office today released the monthly notice of vacancies that have occurred in multi-member state agencies, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 15.0597, subdivision 4 (see the list of current vacancies below).

Application forms may be found at: or may be obtained from the Office of the Secretary of State, Open Appointments, 180 State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155-1299, or in person at Room 180 of the State Office Building.

In accordance with the Minnesota Open Appointments Law, the Secretary of State acts as an administrator in publishing vacancies, receiving applications, and recording appointments. Applications will be reviewed and appointments made by the appointing authorities for these various agencies; questions about specific vacancies and appointments should be directed to the appointing authority. Applications submitted by April 26, 2011 are assured of full consideration by the appointing authority. Appointing authorities for these agencies may choose to review applications received by the Secretary of State after that date. Applications are kept on file for a one year period. Agency information for this press release was supplied by the various agencies.

The 2010 Open Appointments Annual Report is available at: This publication includes a complete listing of state boards and councils that follow the Open Appointments process, descriptions of these agencies and their memberships, and statistical information about appointments and vacancies during the 2010 fiscal year. Paper copies of the 2010 Open Appointments Annual Report are available at the Minnesota Bookstore, 651-297-3000 or 1-800-657-3757.

To receive an automatic notice of vacancies each month, please submit your e-mail address to:


The Open Appointments Press Release will no longer be automatically provided in a paper format. You may join our e-mail list-serve by submitting your e-mail address to:, or call us at (651) 297-5845.

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When submitting your application, please include the following documents:
- Open Appointments Application Form
- completed, signed & dated
- Letter of Interest
- Resume or Biography

Submit By Mail or in Person:
Open Appointments
Secretary of State's Office
180 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
St Paul, MN 55155-1299

Submit by e-mail:

Submit via FAX
: 651-296-9073

Vacancies are as follows:

1500 HWY 36 W
M.S. 124d.141; EXEC ORDER 11-05

Appointing Authority: Governor
Compensation: Mileage
Vacancies: Twenty-Two (22) - Up to 22 members, including individuals with the following expertise, affiliations, or backgrounds:

a) Representatives of local government groups;
b) Representatives of local school districts;
c) Individuals with Head Start expertise;
d) Providers of early childhood supports and services;
e) Representatives of higher education;
f) Individuals whose families received early childhood supports
or services (minimum 2 parents);
g) Individuals from non-profits involved in early childhood issues;
h) Members of the business community; and
i) Representative of the philanthropic community

The Early Learning Council will make recommendations to the Governor and the Minnesota Legislature to ensure every child is ready for kindergarten and affordable quality early childhood education and care is available to all children. The council consists of up to 30 members, 26 of whom are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The following individuals are members of the council: a) Commissioner of Human Services or a designee; b) Commissioner of Health or a designee; c) Commissioner of Education or a designee; and d) the Head Start State Collaboration Director. The Governor will appoint up to 22 additional members, including individuals with the following expertise, affiliations, or backgrounds: a) representatives of local government groups; b) representatives of local school districts; c) individuals with Head Start expertise; d) providers of early childhood supports and services; e) representatives of higher education; f) individuals whose families received early childhood supports or services (minimum 2 parents); g) individuals from non-profits involved in early childhood issues; h) members of the business community; and i) representatives of the philanthropic community. Four members of the Legislature, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.141, will service as members of the council. The Governor will appoint one member to serve as the chair of the council. The Council will meet quarterly at the MN Dept of Education.

MDH, PO BOX 64882
ST PAUL, MN 55164-0882
M.S. 144.998

Appointing Authority: Commissioners of Health, Pollution Control, and Agriculture; Speaker House; and, Senate Majority Leader
Compensation: Expenses
Vacancies: Two (2) -
- One At-Large Member
- One Senate Appointee Member

Make recommendations to the Commissioner of Health and the legislature on priorities for environmental health tracking and biomonitoring. These include recommendations to study specific chronic diseases, environmental health exposures, chemicals, communities and geographical areas. Make recommendations on aspects of the design, implementation, and evaluation fo the environmental health tracking and biomonitoring system. The committee shall have 13 members; specifications and restrictions for each are detailed in M.S. 144.998. The commissioner of Health shall appoint 9 members, the commissioners of the Pollution Control Agency and the Department of Agriculture shall each appoint one (1) member, and the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader shall each appoint one (1) member. None of the members may be lobbyists registered under chapter 10A. As specified, a particular subset of 10 of the 13 members must have backgrounds or training in designing, implementing, and interpreting health tracking and biomonitoring studies or in related fields of science, including epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health, alboratory sciences, occupational health, industrial hygiene, toxicology, and public health. Meetings are held on a quarterly basis (minimum) in St. Paul, MN.

1711 W. CO. RD. B, # 300 SOUTH
M.S. 349.151.

Appointing Authority: Governor, Attorney General, and Commissioner of Public Safety
Compensation: $55 per diem plus expenses
Vacancies: Two (2) -
- One Attorney General Appointee
- One Public Safety Appointee

The board issues, suspends and revokes licenses of organizations, distributors and manufacturers of gambling equipment, registers gambling equipment, collects license fees and inspects records, conducts hearings to insure integrity of operations and compliance with all applicable laws and rules. The seven members should include five members appointed by the Governor, one member appointed by the Commissioner of Public Safety, and one member appointed by the Attorney General. No more than three members appointed by the Governor may belong to the same political party. Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month; committee meetings are held for the legislative committee, rules committee, and the compliance review group. Meetings are held at the Kelly Inn in St. Paul.

MN DEED, 1ST Natl Bank Bldg;
332 Minnesota St.,Suite #E200
ST. PAUL, MN 55101-1351
CHAPTER 131, LAWS OF 1995.

Appointing Authority: Governor
Compensation:$55 per diem, plus expenses
Vacancies: One (1) - Local Elected Official

The council replaces the Governor's Job Training Council and assumes all of its requirements, duties and responsibilities. Additionally, the council shall coordinate the development, implementation, and evaluation of the statewide education and employment transitions system and Minnesota youth services programs; review the provision of services and the use of funds and resources under
applicable federal human resource programs and advise the governor on methods of coordinating the provision of services and the use of funds resources consistent with the laws and regulations governing the programs; review federal, state, and local education, post-secondary, job skills training, and youth employment programs and make recommendations to the governor and the legislature for establishing an integrated seamless system for providing education, service-learning, and work skills development services to learners and workers of all ages; advise the governor on the development service to learners and workers of all ages; advise the governor on the development and implementation of statewide and local performance standards and measures relating to federal human resource programs; and administer grants. The council consists of 31 members including the commissioners of the Department of Employment and Economic Development; Education; Human Services; six members representing business and industry; six members representing labor organizations; four members representing community-based organizations; five members representing education as follows: one representing local public secondary education, one having expertise in design and implementation of school-based service-learning, one representing post-secondary, one representing post-secondary vocational institutions and the chancellor of the MNSCU; and two members representing other constituencies including units of local government and applicable state or local programs. The other four members will be appointed by the House of Representatives and the Senate. During FY 2010 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010) the Council met on a quarterly basis (every three months). Meetings were held at various locations.

ST. PAUL, MN 55101
M.S. 473.303.

Appointing Authority: Metropolitan Council
Compensation: Parking & Mileage
Vacancies: One (1) - Resident of MPOSC District G (Metropolitan Council Districts 13 & 14)

The commission assists the Metropolitan Council in planning the regional recreation open space system, advises the council on grants for the acquisition and development of facilities, and reviews the master plan for facilities. The nine members include eight members comprising two Metropolitan Council districts each and a chair representing the region at large. Members may not be members of any other metropolitan agency, board or commission, or hold judicial office. Members must reside in the district to which appointed, except the chair. Meetings are held monthly on the first Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. at 390 N Robert St., St. Paul, MN.

Special Education Policy;
1500 Hwy 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113-4266
FED STATUTE 20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(21)(A) 2004 Fed Reg

Appointing Authority: Commissioner of Education
Compensation: Expenses + per diem
Vacancies: Eight (8) - Members
Special Education Advisory Panel members must represent one or more of the following groups:
- Parents of children with disabilities (age birth through 26);
- Representatives of institutions of higher education that prepare special education and related services personnel;
- Representative of a vocational, community or business organization concerned with the provision of transition services to children with disabilities;
- Administrators of programs for children with disabilities;
- A representative from the State child welfare agency responsible for foster care;
- Representatives of other state agencies involved in the financing or delivery of related services to children with disabilities;
- Representatives of private schools and public charter schools;
- Representatives from the State juvenile and adult correction agencies;
- Individuals with disabilities;
- Teachers;
- State and local education officials, including officials who carry out activities under subtitle B of title VII of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

The state is required to establish and maintain an advisory panel for the purpose of providing policy guidance with respect to special education and related services for children with disabilities in the state. The panel consists of 35 members representing parents of children with disabilities; consumers; advocacy organizations; special education teachers and administrators; regular education teachers and administrators; higher education teacher training programs; private and charter schools; vocational, community or business organizations concerned with transition; state juvenile and adult correctional facilities; other state agencies; and congressional districts. To ensure appropriate representation, a majority of members shall be individuals of parents of children with disabilities (ages birth through 26). Meetings are held 4-6 times each school year at MDE.


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