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Legislative Update August 13, 2015 Dear Friends,
On August 2nd, I attended the launch of the
Next Generation National Network This is a program geared for state legislators to improve civil discourse. The program is run by the National Institute for Civil Discourse.
The National Institute for Civil Discourse was founded after the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Giffords and is based at the University of Arizona.
Next Generation is a program under the auspices of NICD that will focus on state legislators and provide them with resources and skills to resolve their differences in a civil manner.
It was a privilege to be part of the group and to work on plans that will help produce an environment that is conducive to good governance. I am hopeful that this organization will provide the platform to foster positive behavior of all elected officials.
In the evening, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly presented the inaugural Gabrielle Giffords Award for Civility in State Governance to Washington State Representatives Hans Zeiger and Sam Hunt. Representative Hunt was part of the team that met with Minnesota legislators this past January in St. Paul to provide background on the civil discourse program. He mentioned the extreme weather conditions that day during his acceptance speech.
Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (center in turquoise) with legislators after award ceremony. I'm in the front row in a blue jacket. Photo courtesy of CJ Photo Seattle.
For more information on the National Institute for Civil Discourse and Next Generation, please visit the website:
I also wanted to share that my colleague Rep. David Dill passed away after battling cancer. He was a person who was well respected by both parties and always put the interests of his constituents first. I fondly remember the enthusiasm he had discussing flying airplanes and his time spent at
Thunderhook Fly-Ins. He will be missed by everyone in the legislature. Please keep his wife Tucky and his son Drake in your thoughts and prayers.
Sandra Masin