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Thanksgiving Reflection
I look upon Thanksgiving Day as a time to reflect on all the blessings we have as citizens of the United States of America. In addition to living in a country that is endowed with a bounty of natural resources, we have the opportunity to live in a peaceful environment, we have the freedom to worship as we choose, and we have the right to choose our political leaders.
Since this holiday closely follows our recent election, I want to again extend my appreciation to everyone who supported my election to the Minnesota House of Representatives. I am extremely grateful for your confidence in me and I will do my best to maintain that trust.
I want to thank everyone who took time to vote and to participate in the campaign and election process. Benjamin Franklin's quote, "A Republic, if you can keep it," should always be kept in mind. It takes the effort of each and every citizen to keep a government that recognizes the worth of each individual.
We also celebrated Veterans Day this month, a time to honor all those that made possible the freedoms we enjoy in this country.
Perhaps, too, we should also think about the future and the legacy that we will be passing on to the generations that follow us. Will we be able to leave them with enough resources and freedoms so they will have the opportunities that we have enjoyed?
Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.
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The PRIMARY Election will be held on August 9, 2023. It is important that
you vote on this date to affirm your choice of candidate in the GENERAL election in November.
The 2023 GENERAL Elections will be held on November 7, 2023.
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